Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Cloud Number-9...oh .. It's Countless...........

Clouds are my favorites...Dunno why but may be from the fact that they keep on changing and each and every time they dazzle me with their new shapes...Actually one thing can be learned from them.. they have come for rains and to give us a cover from scorching sun.. And they do it regardless of what shape they actually are.. So it doesn't matter how you look or how you appear all you need is to give everyone your best...I just love clouds and whenever I am with my cam I will make it sure it will have some distinct shapes of them. Sunrise , sunset. the blue sky all keep me busy with capturing them every time..

From all my previous journeys(with my cam) this time it was a bit different. Usually I travel by train and that gives me all the time in a day to catch up with them(clouds).. This time it was different coz this time I was not below them but I was actually flying among them, above them and eyes of my cam saw the unseen part of them i.e the other side,which we dont see from down below from earth.... So I was quite excited and my cam knew it's gonna have a tough time.

A morning flight from Mumbai to Chennai was good enough to get some morning picture of them...and the window seat was just perfect for the launch... It was an Indian Airlines plane and after 22 years I am flying with them again. I still had memories of my first flight travel when i was just 5.. The trip was just superb and I quite enjoyed my time.(But I missed those bunch of chocolates with the meals). So my flight got queued up for getting access to the busiest runway in India. Soon the throttle was on and the wings started shivering( I just thought that may be some bolts may be loose..)and I started imagining things..dunno when the flight was airborne and it cruised at good speed as I watched those big buildings getting tinier...

I was thrilled to get into the clouds(may be on the cloud number 9).. It was so beautiful that I cant express it in words.. Everyone visualizes the beauty but along with that I wanted to capture them in my small box... The vast blue sky with infinite number of pillows to sleep on....that was the way it looked..

I dunno when I started clicking but it was a continues process and I dont remember putting my head on the head rest.. "Sir your breakfast is here", the cabin crew interrupted. At first I hated that voice but when I turn around to see , I couldn't took my eyes of her. Hey, guys now please don't imagine things. She was almost 40 years old with no makeups at all and wearing a printed Saree... She looked so pleasant and with that smile on her face I was almost drawn to pull out my meal seat and accepting the tray. I finished it ASAP and she was again there to make my coffee wonderful. After I was done with my coffee she helped me out with the tray..Beauty inside and outside the flight !!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!( my cam got a time to take a nap so guys it didn't took any snap of her :) :) )............

And then my cam took the center stage clicking non stop and getting all those clouds inside. The wing (actually the right side wing) was quite rocking whenever the flight approached turbulence. Waves of clouds, Single clouds, lot of shapes Clouds, Clouds everywhere but not a cloud to touch.. :(.....

I wished I cud touch them. They were just indescribable.

Among the clouds, in the blue sky,
I felt as if heaven flew by.................
High above from the earth it fly,
Got it too late,I wondered why......

Every time I was down there,
I used to stare at them from everywhere....
With innumerable faces it travel,
Leaving me all down there to marvel....

Watching them fly right below,
Feeling like a bird high above,
With a bed of cushion to comfort,
Now I was up here with them to stay afloat...

And the Journey continues...... as it always does..........

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