Tuesday, January 22, 2008

What If !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What if, all my dreams were shattered..
What if, my flight to destiny abruptly ended..
What if, I fell from a height never before achieved..
What if, life takes its own course other than what I planned..

What if, all hopes of today seems to be lost..
What if, future appears to have a bleak prospect..
What if, things don't seem to be de way they used to be..
What if, I feel to be all alone in this life's venture..

I didn't loose hope,and never did I gave up.....
Still I have belief in myself, I will start dreaming again,
With this broken wings, I will learn to fly again,
With a new hope in my heart, I will push myself harder,
So that I can rise and be on my way again....

Ya its true 'Experience' is a cruel teacher,
And some times it acts like a preacher...
Who writes the true gospel on "Lessons of Life",
Regardless of whether or not you learn to strife..
A teacher, a preacher whatever it is, it's all for you,
coz in the last u will find it's the only thing you own....
Everything else falls apart, relationship fails,
Dreams collapse, Future seems uncertain....
No matter whatever happens, it will always,
Give u a brand new hope to start all over again....

Some say experience may "sometime" suck
n can give some real hard pain....
but not taking lessons from experience will always suck.....

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Missing Life !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My scars became daily reminders ,
Of who I am, or once used to be....
And who I could become again...
Believe me when I say, I tried to erase them,
But,I got brand new ones to stare at....

Everybody said being alone means,
Throwing yourself deep into pain.
But it really doesn't matter anymore,
Coz pain doesn't hurt and I know,
It's all that, I have left with, for ever.............

I know it's my and only my fault that,
No one really knows how I truly feel,
But that doesn't make it hurt any less....
I tried to run away from wild scary thoughts,
But, where can I run to escape from myself?

I never questioned my own integrity,
And I never doubted my intuition,
And never did I gave up on my dreams....
I know ,nothing can break me or lead me astray,
Coz ,I am just myself and will always stay that way.....................

I know, everybody's trying not to miss anybody,
And I know nobody will be crying for other's Absence,
And everybody had already made up their mind...
But will they or can they ever really convince,
Their heart to forget and leave everything behind....

Once I had everyone around and now I don't ,
I always stayed here and away everybody went,
This is not the first time this has happened,
Got quite used to it and this time,
It just happened that I lost,even though I was promised.....

Can't say whether it matters to you or not,
If I say that, I miss those moments more than anything...
I know, you also have the same feeling as everybody else.
But you still hold it up inside you coz, you think we are far away
but,I will always say "I am missing you" every now n then,
Coz I dunno whether I wud be there to say that tomorrow......