Monday, September 26, 2011

Celebrate U R Rich !!!!!

I am not kidding... 
As per the current planning commission report if you spend more than 32 rupees a day you are not poor...
I am thinking may be now we have to pay Tax in addition to what we pay now if we spend more than 32 Rupees a day... The art of convincing the common people is to tell how not common they are...

Even if its 100 a day I dont think a person can survive on that...
100 would be enough if you are on a diet where in you wont have food for more than one time a day...
So much for the food and what about accommodation?? Where would you live??
I think we all can go to parliament and stay...
Where a Vegetarian Thali will cost 12.50 Rs, Tea - 1 Rupee,Rice - 2 Rs & Dosa @ 4 Rs. .
By that way we can have food 3 times in a day and still manage to save 40 Rs if the limit is 100 Rs.
Huge saving I suppose!!!
If you see the full menu then you will never leave that place.. No wonder why politicians are so adamant to get elected @ any cost.. at least food security would be there isn't it ????..

To be contd.... ( The 32 Rupees Tag Line wont die that soon..  )

Thursday, August 18, 2011

My Take on Corruption

There's a little bit of corruption in everybody's life.(Remember the ad "There's a little bit of SAIL in everyone's life".)
"The whole country has woken up" that's what media term this ongoing movement. Where they were asleep before?? I dunno.May be yes, may be no.Tell me , haven't you wanted to get things done quickly.Haven't you taken credit in doing things quickly??I think no one can say "no" as an answer to this.

The basic cause of corruption is the need to get things done ASAP. The other main reason would be to make illegal things legal.You think corruption is related to money. No, actually it is related to thoughts.Take for instance you are waiting for your chance at an movie theatre queue.The first thing you will do is to search for some person whom you know in the queue ahead of you.If you are lucky to find some one, at that very instant you have corrupted your mind by excusing yourself from the queue.The truth is that we can't wait and for that we are willing to do anything. Here money is not the constraint, here the thought is what is corrupted.There are numerous examples like this. 

And people in the whatever institutions take advantage of this attitude of ours.Remember always if you point a finger to a person , three of your fingers are pointing towards you.To kill corruption you need to kill the urge or the need to getting things done easily.Be the change you want to see in the society and in turn it will reflect in the nation.

I support the ongoing movement against corruption but along with that there should be a movement inside each individual which should erase the root cause of corruption- The Inner Greed.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Updating Blog...

It's quite true when you aren't that convinced with the way things are going around you , you tend to divert your attention or interest to some activities. Writing has always been one such activity for me. And I was too much inclined towards it, not that I am a great writer but I write things coz it makes me happy and content in one way. It used to be mere escape from the reality which has been so consuming. Consuming in the sense that you are involved in it but you are just involved for the sake of  involving with some activity.

Visited my blog after a long time and noticed that I haven't added  much to it,it was bit confusing for me. It's not that I didn't had time, but just the fact that I don have to run from anything right now. So what has changed. May be the fact that ,I am in Kerala. Ya that might be reason for this absence from blog. There were times when I blogged daily or at least once in a week, now even if I get ample time I find myself away from it.

Traveling and photography were the other two major interests that I was always excited about. Now I do travel regularly and do try to capture some snaps whenever I get some time or situation but the old excitement is dying around. Technology has grown far too much, now we can be sure that we won't get lost while travelling coz we have mobiles or more on less internet on the go.From one point of view it's good to be so sure and specific about our travel plans but then where's the scope for adventure in it.And as for photography , the real art of taking a snap has given away to the type of camera you hold....

So what's this article about then, may be just got bogged down by the idea that nothing new is there in my blog. So updated it just for the sake of updating... ;-)

Monday, January 03, 2011

A New Beginning

A new beginning to a Year...

Joined Today @ Kalki.....

Was a bit clueless when I started from home...

Didnt knew the exact location of Kalki...

So it was a "referral destination search" for me..

Just took me 3 bus rides + an auto ride.

Atlast a four hour journey ended, when I paid up the auto driver.

Was quite uneasy at the begining but then gradually experince came to my rescue..

Just a starting trouble then it was ok...

A bit far away from hustling fast city life.. a more into nature sort of atmosphere..Calm n Quiet and no other buildings in site for a long distance.. BTW the only 2 storeyed building in the area....

Getting here is the only concern.. really missing my Apache RTR. Just for 2 more weeks.. then that concern will disappear....It is almost on its way from Delhi....

So the Home coming was fruitful....

Will update soon with more office details....